The Line Up | Hair Support
How I am Supporting my Hair to Grow!
After I had Atlas during the postpartum time I noticed my hair was falling out a lot! And this reminded me of the times after each of my miscarriages when hormones shift and I lost a lot of hair. Part of me was concerned but I did speak to others around me and found out that this can be common. I understand that there is a natural follicle cycle but since I have always had long dark hair I wanted to support my body and my hair health. Have you experienced this too? You are not alone! (you can always chat with your HCP if you are very concerned)
There can be many reasons as to why your hair is falling out.
Stress and overwhelm
Physical damages on the hair and scalp
Medications (please do not stop your medication unless you talk and agree with your doctor!)
Harsh chemicals and toxin overload that create blockages for growth (avoid SLS Sodium Laureth Sulfate)
An internal reason, and it might be our bodi’s way to tell us something is wrong. So it is important to look into that as well
Its natural shedding cycle.
Hormone shifts
I know that after I had Atlas I was completely shocked of the hair loss I experienced with the hormones changing in my body postpartum. Which is why I wanted to look into ways to support hair growth. You might remember my headband days on my IG with all my little hair sprouts!
I thought I would share some tips that I have learned on my hair growth journey!
Lifestyle Changes to Support Hair Growth
Gentle scrunchies or hair ties that are not going to pull too tightly on the hair and scalp. I am personally obsessed with my Paper Airplane scrunchies I have a collection of them! (Not sponsored just personally loved!)
Break up with those harmful chemicals and toxins. I will say it until I am blue in the face now that i know what most products do to our bodies! Please look at the ingredients! Even the stuff that looks safe - know what to look for like Fragrance/ Parfum
Many products on the shelf have chemicals that mimic the hormone estrogen which can lead to having estrogen dominance in our bodies. Which can effect our health, fertility and even cause hair loss!
Use a bamboo brush. I love my Bkind hairbrush as it is gentle on my hair and the bamboo bristles help to disperse the oils on your scalp and hair evenly and gently massage the scalp promoting circulation and stimulating the scalp and promoting hair growth! (Not sponsored just personally loved)
Taking a break from the hot tools- try to air dry your locks!
Support your hormones and your cycle- I love having my cycle chart to have a little look at what my body is telling me. I can help you with cycle charting just send me a message!
Use Natural Young Living Oils to Support Your Hair Growth Game!
My Line up:
Some Extras
Sulfurzyme Supplement
as sulfur is a really important mineral for maintaining the strength of the hair. This supplement has a combination of MSM with is a protein building compound that is also found in breast milk, fresh fruits and vegetables and our amazing Ningxia wolfberry! These can strengthen our hair and support a healthy scalp.
Ningxia Red
1 ounce a day the same reasoning as above!
Lavender daily shampoo and conditioner
for fine hair and is lightweight and stimulates growth
Lavender mint daily shampoo and conditioner
for all hair types and is lightweight and stimulates growth
Copaiba and Vanilla Shampoo and conditioner
for dry or damaged hair!
Some helpful DIYS
*Tip Using castor oil as a hair mask or treatment helps to strengthen or repair your hair and fewer split ends or frizziness, castor oil has antifungal and antibacterial properties that can prevent some other scalp or hair issues. can help support your hair after using chemicals on your hair.
mix 2-3 tablespoons in a bowl and add your oils of choice and massage into scalp and roots in a circular motion and work oil all the wait down to the tips.
leave for 20 minutes or you can place a shower cap or towel and braid your hair and leave overnight.
wash in the morning with a non-toxic shampoo.
Hair Support Blend
Lavender 4 drops
Cedarwood 4 drops
Clary Sage 2 drops
Peppermint 1 drop
Rosemary 4 drops
Apple Cider Vinegar Rinse
ACV is amazing for bringing forth soft and gorg hair to detox your hair. Restoring the natural pH of the hair and bacterial can be helpful to remove the toxins built up on the hair! Add to your hair routine every few months.
1-2 tablespoons of AVC
mix with a cup of water add 2 drops of your favourite hair essential oils we talk about above!
mix together and apply to wet hair, leave in for a couple of minutes and then rinse out.
Soft Hair Mask
2 tablespoons of coconut oil and castor oil, mix 4 drops clary sage and 4 drops rosemary and 4 drops lavender and 1 drop Ylang Ylang, apply to ends and leave for 15 minutes and then wash hair
Hair Support Spray
10 drops cedarwood
10 drops lavender
8 drops Rosemary
1/4 of the container of Witch Hazel
top spray bottle with water and shake and spray onto hair and scalp!
Dry Scalp Blends
6 drops Cedarwood
4 drops Lavender
2 drops royal Hawaiian sandalwood or geranium
2 drops patchouli
Oily Scalp blends
6 drops peppermint
4 drops lemon
2 drops lavender
Blonde DIY Non-Tox Purple Shampoo
1-2 drops of blue tansy or valor into your conditioner and mix and apply to blond hair to control the brassy tones. leave in for 10 minutes and wash out! YAY!
I hope that you enjoyed these hair tips! Feel free to tell me your fav hair blends! and connect with me on IG!
Darrien Minnie
If you would like to chat further about any of these please send me a message, no pressure to purchase!