Terms & Policies



Educational and Informational Purposes Only

All content found on the Darrien Minnie Website, including: graphics, text, images, audio and video recordings, or other formats are intended for informational purposes ONLY. Darrien Minnie is not a medical professional and does not take place of any medical health care provider and Darrien Minnie  is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always consult your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this Website.

If you think you may have a medical emergency, call your doctor, go to the emergency department, or call 911 immediately. Darrien Minnie does not recommend or endorse any specific tests, physicians, products, procedures, opinions, or other information that may be mentioned on this website. Reliance on any information provided by darrienminnie.ca, contracted writers, or medical professionals presenting content for publication to Darrien Minnie is solely at your own risk.

You acknowledge and agree that when participating in any exercise, essential oil or exercise program, and/or when using any diet or fitness products or services, there is the possibility of physical injury and/or death, and you assume the risk and responsibility for any such results.

Health Guidance

We are not and do not represent ourselves as medical advisors. Information related to health found on this Website is not provided as professional medical advice or guidance. Darrien Minnie is not liable for any of the following: physical, mental, or emotional harm; or lack of improvement in health or wellness.

No Guarantees

Our goal is to inspire and empower and inspire you on the fertility journey, but we cannot guarantee any certain results, including pregnancy. We encourage you to use the educational and informational resources provided by the Website to inspire and empower you to take action, but you fully understand that there is no guarantee of your desired results.

Young Living

I am an independent distributor of Young Living.

***  Any suggestions made on this blog and website are very specific to Young Living essential oils and should not be used with oils from another source. Statements made on this website about Young Living Essential Oils have not been evaluated by the FDA. These products and information are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Anyone suffering from disease or injury should consult with a physician. If you are currently on medication, please DO NOT STOP. Always speak to your health care provider.

We are starting our journey with Essential Oils and have done our own research on the purity of oils.  I am confident in using oils in our recipes because we only use Young Living.  They are  beyond organic and never use pesticides, herbicides or any harmful chemicals. Their soil has never been exposed to them as well.  I don’t suggest ever using any other oil for ingestion because I don’t know of their purity. 

 I am not not taking the place of your licensed medical professional, I do not diagnose and do not take responsibility for your health. I encourage you to do your research and seek out conversations with medical professionals that you go to.

This info is for learning purposes only.  I'm not a specialist, aromatherapist, doctor, just simply sharing what has worked for myself and my family. Please consult a health care practitioner when making any changes to your medical routine. This information is not meant to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease.  

Again, I cannot guarantee you any certain results.


The testimonials presented are provided by actual users and viewers of this Website. They are not presented as a guarantee that similar experiences or results will be achieved by future users or viewers.


It is required 24 hours to rescheudle or cancel a session with Darrien Minnie. Failure to give full notice may result in a $50 fee before scedhuling next session or termination of services if cancellation is short notice on multiple occasions. 


UNSCUBSCRIBE / OPT OUT EMAILS You reserve the right to opt-out of receiving future emails. If you wish to do so: Follow the instructions located at the bottom of each email. We will remove you from all correspondence


You agree that any products purchased from Darrien Minnie will be used solely for personal non-commercial use and will not be re-sold, published, loaned, or shared.