How I am Handling Global Health Concerns...
Know that you are not alone, this is a time of uncertainty for SOME things but we can connect to our own truth too .
Hey Friend,
I hope wherever you are reading this that you are safe cuz say it with me … holy smokes what is happening right now!?
I wanted to share with you how I am handling the current global health situation and my overall wellness tips that you can implement today. I am not sure about you but the global health state of affairs has been flooding my inbox, my news feeds and the whole conversation. I have been feeling the overwhelm as well. You are not alone, at first I didn’t know how to respond, I was feeling “This isn’t a likelihood of being effected…. then my ears perked up and I have started to listen, then I have decided to prepare as I am in an already far away location from a lot of resources, I am allowing myself to be prepared and to educate myself, but not tap into the panic. This has been so so hard for me as I am deeply empathetic and I feel the fear that is felt on a large level.
We don’t have to subscribe to the complete panic, but we can take this as a reminder to put our health and wellness as a priority. I am actually really taking this opportunity to slow down, not go out, be busy, I laugh to myself because I feel like since moving to the East Kootenays I have been already doing this!
The last few months have been particularly busy and so I am taking the time to slow down, continue to be intentional with my time and hey maybe tackle a few of those projects around the house!
I have prepared a list of things that I like to do to promote overall health and wellness. This is mind, body and spirit. I invite you to have a look and know that these things are overall wellness tips and can be practiced at all times in our lives.
12 Things to Support Mind, Body and Spirit Even When The World is Stressed
Eat Real Food
Eat fresh fruits and veg, or cook with fresh fruits and vegetables in your home-cooked meals. This is going to give our bodies wonderful vitamins, minerals and full nutrients our body’s needs for optimal wellness. Avoiding foods that are overly processed. Eating real foods also increases our frequency as well. I try and opt for local foods, fruits and veg and organic.
Bone Broth
I am planning to do this week or next! I love bone broth soups and you can make them a variety of ways even vegetables. This gives us the minerals and things we need. I made bone broth on the regular when I was on my trying to fall pregnant journey. Stay tuned in and I will share my recipe!
Drink Lots of Water
Our body needs water to flush toxins out of our bodies. Opt for non-plastic containers and use filtered water, glass or stainless steel containers. We should be drinking 8 cups a day but a great tool I use is you take your weight in pounds and then divide in half that number is how many ounces of water you should drink daily. example 130 pounds divided by 2 = 65. 65 ounces of water should be consumed daily.
Get Your Body Movement In
Yes, fitness centers around the world are closing down, yoga studios are reducing group classes for the time being, but we can still move our bodies.
Here is my yoga video for a nice home practice
You can go outside into a non-busy place and walk about, take a hike and take a moment to connect with nature!
Rest and Sleep
I am sooooo terrible for this so I am not the guru for sleep #nightowllife but when you are trying to boost your wellness sleep is that time for our bodies to rest, rejuvenate and rebuild! It is suggested to get to bed early, before 10 pm and sleep for 8 hours.
Vitamins and Supplements
I am making sure I am consistent with my daily vitamins to fill in any voids my diet and nutrition choices may have missed. Vitamin D is also great for boosting your immune system. I am making sure my supplements have zinc and vitamin C. If you would like to know which line I use and love , message me!
Practice Positivity, Mindfulness and Gratitude
It is important right now to take care of our minds as well! if you would like more tips for mental wellness read this post about 11 tips for mental wellness on tough days
Let’s continue to check in with yourself and not bottle up emotions and feelings. This body scan meditation is very helpful for connecting back to your body and away we can continue practicing gratitude for our health and wellness and resources is great! We have so much to be thankful for even in times like this.
Fresh Air and Nature Sunshine
Let’s connect back to nature! Mother Earth can be such a teacher and healer, so I have parked my but in front of the window to get some sunshine and vitamin D (which helps boost our … you guessed it IMMUNITY!)
I know many of you likely had spring break travel plans or holidays coming up. For myself so far one of my three major holidays was cancelled, but I know that it is for the best and I have accepted that. Also, we can embrace the beauty and sunshine that is available to us. As the spring is fast approaching. So get outside!
Go to Reputable Sources for Information
I feel the drain of social media for sure, so much information, I know it is tempting to believe everything we see on social media. But in times like this, I encourage you to go to reputable information that is up to date, relevant and accurate.
Some resources and education sources:
How Social distance can help … Click here
Hear from the source at Global News … Click Here
World Health Organization … Click Here
COVID -19 Self Assessment … Click Here
Fertility and Covid 19 from Fertility Matters … Click Here
Do Things That You Enjoy
In this time our stress and worry can get kicked up, I would encourage you to connect with the things that uplift you!
A fun hobby, or some calming essential oils. I am working on some crafty projects and I have my diffusers going with some blends to calm me and support my overall wellness.
Some Ideas: Draw, doodle, read a book, paint a picture, knit, take some photos, bake or cook something!
Also, during this time it is great to try new things or return to a hobby that you once loved before, you will likely have so much fun and then who knows you might make so many things you can open an Etsy shop! who knows!
Practice Social Distancing
If you take one thing away from this article please please understand the importance of social distancing right now! This is really important for ourselves and as well as our movement to flatten the illness curve, WE as people, we as a collective have the power to do amazing things! I believe we can and will flatten this curve!
Social distancing is staying to yourself in your home for the next two weeks, and limiting venturing out into public areas only when you need to, and keeping 2 meters in between yourself and others.
this is a simple YET powerful video
Work from Home
I am so so thankful for this! I am able to work from home, and with so many handy tools online we can totally work from home! When working from home though give yourself grace, and time blocks, and know there are likely to be a lot of distractions especially if you are working with others in the home. I am actually participating in a local coworking space virtually! With the Mountain Hub! if you wanna set up a call to work together let me know!
Participate in Proper and Thorough Hand Washing
In addition to this suggestion if you are not able to wash your hands with soap and water you can use hand sanitizer that is 60 % alcohol to safely sanitize your hands.
This from the WHO
PLEASE it may not be for just yourself, it is for others’ safety and I feel it is our responsibility as a citizen.
wash your hands
proper hygiene methods
if you are sick or have been in contact with someone who is sick stay home
stay two meters or more away from others when outside in public (shops, restaurants etc.)
I hope that this message gave you some daily tips that you can do for helping you at this time. Take a moment and feel how you are feeling and then with the exhale release it and allow yourself to continue on with health and wellness intention in mind.
One last thing I wanted to share with you if you have it in your hope is to cozy up with a nice cuppa tea. This one is amazing and supports your immune systems. Enjoy!
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Stay well my friends and stay connected with me by checking in on Instagram!