CIAW 2019 day 4
Inhale + Exhale
Inhale + exhale…
Yesterday we chatted about success? Again what is success for you in your day, in your fertility journey, in your life?
The mind - body connection is a very beneficial tool to have. What what is it?
The mind and body connection is shifting your focus from the busy helicopter 🚁 thoughts and experiences of day to day life to look inwards. Honour how our body is feeling. Get your mind and body on the same page! Be mindful about how your body is feeling.
Our minds are so so powerful and can work with us or against us. They can amp us up and pep us up or they can tear us down with self limiting beliefs that feel so so real!
Mind body connection can be simplified to just focusing on how you are breathing. What does your body do when your deep in deeply. And what does your body do when your exhale and release the breath?
Another example of a mind body exercise I offer my clients is when you are putting things in your body or medication. While I was ttc I was very set on this will happen without medication. When I was prescribed that first dose of clomid I was a whirl or tension. I knew if I took the medication with how I was feeling my body would feel yucky. So I did what any spirit junkies would do. I asked the universe for help. I send good fertile vibes all over that box of clomid and I told myself. I am going to take this pill and it is going to work in harmony with my body to help my reproductive organs to be optimal and conceive our baby! #this mental shift allowed me to surrender my hesitation.
What mind body practices do you use?
#ciaw2019 #niaw2019#mindbodyconnection #yogaforfertility#fertilitymeditation #fertilitymindset#uncoveringinfertility#infertilityuncovered #inhaleexhale#darrienminniefertilitycoach#yogabydarrien #darrienyoga