5 Nourishing Habits

Do you feel stuck, blah, and like you are not reaching the full capacity to your day?

Maybe you feel this constant fatigue, brain fog, moody, and really just NOT yourself.

The toll of stress and overwhelm is huge! It takes a toll on your mind, body and emotional health.

And I found that when we get in the loom of stress it drives us away from the things that we enjoy, or that feel good. It is hard to think about joyful moments when you are in survival mode.

So this is your moment, I am here with you. it is ok to take a moment to take two breaths through the nose and one long exhale through the mouth. We are ok. And we can invite some nourishing habits that mother and love ourselves so kindly.

Here is a guide of my 5 Nourishing Habits

1) Hydrate with Ningxia Red and Water

2) Yoga some gentle mindful movements

3) Boosting your Immune System

4) Support for Emotions

5) Sweet Lovely Sleep

Darrien Minnie