CIAW 2019 day 2
Fertility Coach, eh?
Imagine going through a hard season and feeling alone and craving for human connection.
We can’t always talk to everyone about these hard storms but we need to talk.
A fertility coach is your person. Someone who likely has walked in the storm and knows and understands the type of storm you have been surrounded in. I have walked my storm and now I reach my hand out to you. I care for you I care for the whole you! The physical, emotional mental and spiritual wellness. I am hear to listen, offer you resources and evidence based information. Education of tools and coping skills, offering support - emotional support being a sounding board, listening to your lives experiences, or physical support: going to appointments with you, providing mind and body tools, or alternative treatments such as yoga for fertility.
You are not in this alone. My heart breaks when I hear someone say they went through this and had no one to connect with.
Nurturing you to regain your strength and resilience to move forward in your journey. Whichever way that looks like.
#fertilitydoula #fertilitycoach#fertilityspecialist #yogaforfertility#yogainstructor #ciaw2019 #niaw2019#uncoveringinfertility#infertilityuncovered#darrienminniefertilitycoach #mindbody#mindfullyttc
You are NOT alone!
Darrien Minnie