
10 reasons why I invite you to journal your fertility journeyJournaling your journey.

I used to keep a diary. Legit a dear diary! For years and years I allowed my thoughts and emotions to spill onto the pages as a 12 to 17 year old. I had lists of my future children’s names. Bucket lists and more. 

I haven’t been journaling in the same way for a while. But I buy journals like I write everyday! I am trying to get in the habit of writing more. That brain dump is so freeing. 

Journaling is the action of writing or documenting your life. Reading down your thoughts, emotions, ideas, goals and inspirations. This can be down with pen and paper, you can have simple lined paper or a fancy journal, or you can use an app. It is limitless and you can try what works for you. (email me if you need inspiration)

I was curious of other benefits that journaling can provide so here are a few:

  • Allows yourself to be honest with yourself.  Finding inner truths. Usually we journal in the moment and so we are really able to connect with how we are feeling in that point in time. While giving use the opportunity to honour where we are. where you don’t have to feel bad, you don’t have to censor yourself, you can say FUCK all you want, you do not have to apologize to anyone!

  • Sparks creativity- Get the juices flowing and the brain working. Spark that creativity in your sacral chakra with a a doodle or two.  

  • Reduction of tension. I sit for a moment and breathe, in and out, my lower my gaze, my head and my shoulders drop and I begin to write.

  • Reflection. So handy for looking back in a year and reading your journaling entries. You will see how far you have come on your journey. You will see that the phases and chapters that seems so dark and never ending do shift and change. You will see your strength and that you are still moving forward.

  • Awareness and recognition of where you are in that time. How did you feel when you got a positive OPK, or how did you feel when you were starting at a new fertility clinic? Also you can journal about your fertility symptoms and trackers.

  • Release, let it go, release into the journal, release into the universe. sometimes if I really need to I will rip of the pages in tiny pieces.

  • Accountability for self improvement. We all can improve and I feel that by journaling we keep ourselves accountable for our own thoughts, emotions, and goals. Keeping us focused.

  • Increase self- discipline, start by 3 minutes a day and see how you feel and then increase as you like. Sometimes I write so much my hand cramps up!

  • Cultivate a gratitude attitude. oh man seriously I have had this myself. being in the darkest of dark places after my third miscarriage. I focused on journaling and I had some profound insight. mainly my attitude for gratitude shifted and magnified more and more!

  • Learning from your story and helping others. you never know if you are open about your journey or not, maybe the journal entries can help someone. Like some tips on how you coped with your upcoming IUI cycle?

Journaling prompts for the fertility journey: 

  • Write down your fertility journey. Bulletform, comic book drawing or in every detail. Write it down 

  • How does your fertility make your feel 

  • 10 things you are grateful for 

  • What has your fertility journey taught you? 

  • Do you share about your fertility journey? With whom? Why do you share? Why do you not share? 

  • What was the most happiest moment of your life? 

  • What makes you ... YOU? 

  • What are your strengths and what are your weaknesses? 

  • What makes you strong, brave fearless fertility warrior? 

  • How do you handle a hard time? 

  • What makes you feel good? 

  • What self care practices do you enjoy? 

  • How do you honour your physical/ emotional/ spiritual / mental self care? 

  • What has helped your fertility journey 

  • How would you support a friend/ co worker/ family who told you they are struggling with their fertility journey 

  • 10 things that you love about you and your partners relationship 

Well there you have it! Some reasons why you might enjoy journaling on your fertility journey and some journaling prompts to get you started! If you do use these journaling prompts I would LOVE it if you shared it with me! either on Instagram, direct message or whatever! I read every single email.

Sending you hugs, love, light and fertile blessings

Darrien Minnie

Darrien Minnie